Day 44 Diary Session: Best And Worst Cook In the House

In last night's diary sessions Biggie provoked the housemates by asking teasing question to them, one of his first question was "who is the worst cook in the House". While most Housemates said Teddy A and Nina, the flip side of this discussion resulting in Rico Swavey being crowned the King of the Big Brother kitchen with almost every single Housemate giving a thumbs up to his skills.

Biggie also asked the housemates an interesting question - What would you ask for, if you could ask for anything for the rest of your stay in the House?  Nina's request was for a phone so she could call her family and her boyfriend (Which raised a few eyebrows) to Teddy A wishing for an instrument and some studio time, the requests really got the Housemates thinking about life outside the House.

It is evident that Alex is still not feeling good at all after Leo's Eviction from the House, she told Biggie she is still unhappy and she thinks about him all the time. She is truly cut up but did improve throughout the evening as she tried her best to focus on the Nokia Task.

Below is what the rest of the housmates said in their diary session

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