Friday Arena Games, How House mates Performed

The Housemates walked into the Arena and Biggie explained the rules of engagement to them. Biggie took time to explain all the requirements of the six different stages to them.

With the rules carefully explained, Biggie called TBoss to the starting line to kick off this evening’s Arena games. TBoss seemed to be all kinds of ready as she blitzed through all the stages of the obstacle course to set a blistering time of 1:44 seconds. A great way to set off the proceedings and an outstanding time to beat.

Up next was ThinTallTony, and determined not to be outdone by anybody, he stumbled a bit at the first stage but used his long limbs to make up time as he finished the entire course with a record time of 1:43 seconds. He beat TBoss’ time by one second and moved up the leader board to first place.

Debie-Rise was third to the starting line and she faltered at the first stage where she lingered for over two minutes. Finally overcoming stage one, she tried her best to make up the lost time but alas, she couldn’t complete the course and got buzzed out.

Bassey stepped up to the starting line buoyed by the fact that he had two wins in the Arena under his belt. Biggie’s obstacle course appears to be a giant killer as he faltered at various stages, getting stuck at the last stage for a while, finally completing the course with a time of 2:41 seconds.

The diminutive Marvis was up next and she wasted no time hitting Biggie’s obstacle course. She tried her best at tackling all the individual stages setting a good pace, but alas, a slight stumble at the final stage saw her finishing the course at a time of 1;51 seconds; putting her in third place on the leader board.

Bally sauntered to the starting line and got stuck in at the sound of the buzzer. Going through the stages at his own pace, he worked his way to the final obstacle where he attempted to flick ping pong balls into a bowl of water across the Arena. He finally landed a ball into the bowl and clocked in at 2:09 seconds placing him in fourth place.

Bisola stepped up next and wasted no time in getting stuck in. She faltered at the first obstacle which has officially become the biggest killer on the night. She finally got past the first obstacle and proceeded to attempt the other stages of the obstacle course, but half way through her time lapsed and she got buzzed out too. She joined Debie-Rise at the bottom of the leader board as the disqualified Housemates.

Efe, the last but not the least stepped to the starting line and as soon as the buzzer sounded, he attacked the first stage with fervour. Making good time all through the different stages, he got to the final stage looking like he was going to shatter all the times posted earlier, but alas, he stumbled at the final obstacle on the course and finally finished at a time of 2:32 seconds.

With all the Housemates having gone through the course, Biggie gave accolades to the deserving Housemates praising TBoss for being the best performing female on the night but sadly there can only be one winner, and with a time of 1:43 seconds, ThinTallTony was announced as the winner of a luxury treat from Biggie.

Biggie asked the winner TTT to pick a Housemate to share in this luxury treat and he wasted no time in choosing Efe. Wonder what Biggie has in store for them as a Luxury gift. Guess only time will tell as they will be receiving their luxury gifts tomorrow.