Day 49: Week 7 Recap

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It was all about our Perfect Big Brother Wedding! Here's a look at the week that was.

The week kicked off with Ebuka revealing that there would be no Nominations or Evictions tonight (Day 49). Considering the fact that almost all the Housemates had gone two weeks in a row not knowing what their fate would be this was welcome news. Instead of Nominations, they campaigned for likes and this time around the session was characterised by thoughtful pleas, jam sessions and hilarious jokes rather than tearful anecdotes of personal strife. Marvis, Bally and Debie-Rise proved to be the most popular Housemates after the vote. TTT had earlier found the golden egg and become HoH for a second week in a row. As such he had to tie-break and he chose Marvis as the winner. Biggie awarded then awarded her a "Power Card" that comes into play this week.

The Wedding preparations started right away with the Housemates planning out the menu for the feast! They joked about how Heritage Bank was sponsoring so they could go crazy with the list of ingredients which included everything from kola nuts and jollof rice to fried chicken and moi moi. When night time came the Bride and Groom you voted for, Efe and Marvis were revealed. They then assumed different characters for the wedding and played them out for the rest of the night, showing off their acting chops.

Biggie wreaked havoc the next day getting the Housemates to freeze before sending in his Ninjas to pelt the Housemates with water, paint and whipped cream. The first female ninja of the season also made her debut doing a sexy catwoman performance as she went around the House covering everyone in whipped cream. They also painted a portait of Nigeria on the wall in the Arena before spening the night chilling the jacuzzi.

The next day brought with it a visit to the House by Desmond Eliott  in the morning followed by a seminar conducted by "Crossing the line" on asking for consent before any sexual encounters.The Housemates then spent their evening playing Monopoly before ambushing an unsuspecting TBoss as she showered to sing "Happy Birthday" and pelt her with confettti.

Then it was time for the Big wedding! The day kicked off with a massive delivery of food from Biggie and everyone hopped into the kitchen and started cooking frantically hoping to make a good impression on their guests and also win their wager. Speaking of guests, our Housemates got stunning, traditional dress from our sponsors Heritage Bank before commencing negotiations. Bisola and TTT who were praised by their peers for a "stand out performance", accepted the bride price of N24 before Efe and Marvis locked lips, making it official. The celebration also seems to have helped rekilndle the romance between Efe and Marvis.

Bassey claimed victory for a second week in a row during the Payporte Arena Games finishing with a time of 01:40. He chose Bisola as his partner to share in a luxury tweet which both surprised and delighted her. For their next big challenge, the Housemates turned their attention from obstacle courses to benevolent causes lending their voices to the One Campaign. They presented their arguments for solutions to the problem of young girls no having equal access to quality education to a panel of judges who were greatly impressed by their efforts.

Once the work was done it was time to party! Dj Neptune delivered an explosive set that not only got our Housemates dancing but everyone watching at home too. He did such a great job he was still the top trend in Nigeria this morning (Day 49) with compliments still pouring in. Another massive, topic of discussion was Bally and Bisola's hook up which started when the latter started flirting in the kitchen before leading up to an intimate moment under the covers.

The Housemates had a relaxed Sunday (for a change) and were chatting and drinking beer for most of the afternoon before briefly rehearsing their One Campaign anthem for the Live Show tonight! What was your favourite moment of the week? How do you think the dynamics in the House have changed? Let us know after the jump!