Day 20: Valentine swings #BBNaija

Valentine's Day is just around the corner and Biggie's getting in on the spirit of things. He gathered the Housemates in the lounge to let them know tonight's party (Day 20) was going to be love themed and that they'd find everything they needed to decorate the party room in the store room. Throughout the week the Housemates let Biggie down and even lost their wager which included, amongst other things, their Payporte clothing privileges. He reminded them that he'd be paying closing attention to how well they designed the party room and that they might get new clothes again if they impressed him.

On Monday five people were nominated for Eviction and that's almost half the House so things have been quite terse. Even Gifty and Bassey who are usually quite warm and friendly threw temper tantrums this week (as you can see for yourself after the jump). Here's to hoping that Dj Scratch Masta can lift their spirits and get everyone vibing in the name of love!