Update:Day 31

19:30 It's show time!
19:20 The task presentation ia a bit slow in getting started but rest assured, housemates are ready to do it big!
18:50 Less than ten minutes to the task presentation. Stay tuned and don't miss what will go down in Biggie's crib!

18:26 Housemates are having tremendous fun doing their various news scenarios.
17:44 Mr.265 shows how good he is at presenting, the housemates work some more on the task for later.
17:27 The housemates try to improve the mood by practising their performance.
17:05 Biggie announces that the housemates cheated during the freeze task, singling out Goitse. She breaks down again. She is up for eviction next week,
16:59 Permithias explains himself to Butterphly. They are called back indoors and Butterphly says that they must carry on the conversation and that Permithias must "Africanize his accent" so she can understand what he is trying to say.
16:27 Eating time in the house, this is the quietest the housemates get.
16:10 Sheillah does Trezagah's hair. Permithias is called in for a second time.
15:50 Tayo is in the diary room, he says he enjoys the freeze task. He feels better today than he did yesterday. Biggie laughs with Tayo. Biggie can't contain himself with laughter and ends the diary session early.
15:43 Trezagah is enjoying comedy week, he didn't realize that he was good at comedy. He tells Biggie a joke.

15:29 Nhlanhla saunters to the diary room and is made to wait by Biggie. "Everyone's a bit wary about the task."
15:22 Butterphly gets complimented on how good she is looking today. She feels like Trezagah has come out of his shell this week. "Biggie sees all."
15:11 Biggie interupts Frankie and Ellah and calls her into the diary room. He flirts with her. "Friendships are strained." "I am, the cocktail of personalities."

15:05 Ellah and Frankie chat, she says that he is a very peaceful person and he is a family guy, she says he is very gently but that he is often withdrawn
14:41 Frankie talks about Trezagah as to how funny he actually is. Frankie feels that the egocentric nature of everyone has toned down as they have all come to know each other.
14:30 The Head of House is in the diary room "Idris, jambo." "My sense of humour is out-of-space" he tells Biggie that he is wearing boxers and sitting on a stool. Idris says that he hopes that Africa votes for Butterphly and keeps her in as he added her to show Africa that she is worth more than she realizes.
14:20 Samantha is called into the diary room while the housemates surmise as to whether or not there will be a freeze task today. Samantha feels that it is 50/50 for them to win the challenge. She discusses her relationships with JJ and Idris. She doesn't want to hurt JJ.
14:12 Trezagah "Mummy, I am coming home on Sunday." This makes the housemeates laugh out loud. Sipe is called into the diary room. She feels positive about winning the task.
14:03 Ellah and Mr.265 do their skit, Macky2 is a "black man on the moon."
13:47 Sheillah is called in: "The boss lady is in the diary room." She feels that control freaks are not making the task easy, brushing off suggestuions, however she feels that taking a step back is the better thing to do.She reads out her prediction for the top 10. Her top 3 is Tayo, Macky2 and herself to win the big prize.
13:35 Mr.265 wishes his mother happy birthday in the diary room. "Chicky keep it fresh, Biggie."

13:25 Idris gets the housemates to pick props to rehearse with. M'am Bea is called into the diary room. "My sense of humour is random." Biggie tells her to relax,"this diary session is a lighter one."
13:20 JJ is next up. He discusses his relationship with Idris, he views him as a little brother. He feels like Samantha is the top female housemate in the house. He discusses Samantha and Idris and that he respects their relationship.
13:10 Biggie tells Goitse to put her "alter ego" back on: The Boss. She says she has recovered from the freeze task from yesterday.
13:02 Permithias is called into the diary room but he runs off and gets a pillow. Biggie is intrigued. Permithias has his profile and poetry pieces, reads his profiles and poetry to Biggie.

12:51 Macky2 discusses his lightest moments in the house. "Nothing beats the freezes." He feels that he is not funny himself though, Outside of the diary room Idris uses M'am Bea as a pillow.
12:42 Biggie tells the housemates they can now open the front doors. Nobody goes outside, the housemates stay indoors rehearsing.
12:32 They are having fun, they point to Frankie having a crush on Ellah and Sheillah hams its up. All of the housemates are having a good laugh at themselves.

12:24 Seillah: "I have a tank full of attitude." She chats to Tayo.

11:57 Rehearsal time.

11:40 Idris gathers the troops tpo start rehearsing.
11:30 The piped country music gets mixed response. Mr.265 looks unimpressed, Trezagah looks dopy, after his sleep.

11:14 Sheillah practises and dances up to Nhlanhla, his arm immediatley goes around her. They chat to Frankie and thank him for "making Ellah glow." Sheillah saunters off to get an energy drink, Nhlanhla is scared, more energy.

11:00 Macky2 and Sipe discuss what he is uncomfortable talking about. He feels he does not want to compromise the image he has built over the years. They talk about trust.
10:46 The smooth deep house mix sends Trezagah to sleep while Tayo and Permithias play football in the garden.

10:27 Goitse especially loves the song, she is dancing and she recognizes the song and the song stops "He wants to freeze us." Big Brother "This is Big Brother...would the Head of House please report to the diary room."

10:22 Frankie, Permithias and Mr.265 turn their conversation to Ali and Mike Tyson. Biggie starts playing music in the house to delight.

10:05 The girls are the topic of Mr.265, Frankie and Permithias' gossip this morning. Frankie reckons Sheillah's character can come across as mean but he learned that she isn't such a bad person.
09:45 Mr.265 and Frankie have discussion about past and present Heads of House and point out that unlike JJ, Idris shouldn't let the position get to his head because it might cost him his safety in the game.
09:25 While M'am Bea shaves his head Idris complains about Goitse's singing in the next room. He pokes and says she needs a battery change.
09:00 Frankie leads Samantha through a couple of sqauts and lunges for a conditing workout.

08:30 Lagos born Actor Fabian Lojede from popular drama "Jacob's Cross" is this morning's tutor. He guides the housemates through enacting dialogue and monologues effectively and meaningfully for their scripts.