Task: Abracadabra, sim sala bim!
Welcome one and all to Circus and Magic week. This week housemates were introduced to the wild and wacky world of circus, magic and wonder. With every week Biggie, as promised, raised both the stakes with the challenge. Once again housemates were encouraged to stretch their talent and launch their whole beings into the realm of magicians, tightrope walkers, jugglers, trapeze artists, ring maids, masters and more.
Circus performers would be invited into the house to teach housemates how to make their own magic for Wednesday night’s presentation. They would also impart their knowledge of the culture of a world that bends and plays with the rules of our scientific world. In addition housemates were to branch out and enact the role of the circus animals for the presentation.
At this point Biggie expects only the best from the housemates and a consistent reflection of their ongoing learning.
But coming back to the game this also meant it was time for housemates to wager based on a prediction of how well they reckon they would do in this task. This week, with Sheillah finally the official “boss lady” the bunch stuck to trend and wagered yet another 100% of the weekly luxury shopping allowance.

Should they win on Wednesday evening 100% would be added the budget and if they lost Biggie would deduct that 100%.
With all the heat set to come in this week, do you think housemates will be able to stand it and come out winners?