It's Big Brother's House Its Big Brother's Rules

 Housemates thought Biggie was joking about the warning he issued out after the first freeze task yesterday, then they clearly had no clue how serious he was about his rules and having them obeyed.

Biggie reminded housemates about the warning; that when the freeze task is announced, they would have to freeze in motion, immediately! He reiterated that it meant that housemates could not close their eyes, bend their heads or cover their faces.

Part of the warning included that any reaction to the freeze task would result in severe consequences and could lead to automatic nominations. Biggie announced that Goitse fell victim of the punishment that he spoke about yesterday and told the housemates that not only did she cover her eyes, she also deliberately moved to avoid the distractions.

Biggie then proceeded to showing the housemates evidence of what he was talking about and as soon as the video clip played, Goitse covered her eyes and we were glad that she didn’t weep again. The girl was really traumatised!

Biggie gave out his punishment – Goitse was automatically nominated for potential eviction next week. This meant that she could not participate in the Head of House challenge on Monday and any Extravaganza immunity that she may win, would be irrelevant for her.

Biggie’s word was final. Goitse took the punishment well and said that she could not have handled the task well. Do you think Biggie was harsh?