Update: Day 25
20:15 Luis assures Butterphly
not to lose hope, that he will fight for her. He told her not to get
rid of her written contribution and that he would make sure that JJ allows other people's ideas in. Are we in for some darma tonight?
20:08 Butterphly is upset over not having her work recognised in the group work for the Extravaganza. Mr. 265 advises her to work on something else and to express herself within the group members. JJ does not seem to be hearing any of his team members and Butterphly is particularly upset with him.

19:50 A misunderstanding has disrupted the mood outside. Arthur said that Permithias would make it overseas with his music and this comment has created a stir as it has been interpreted in a wrong way. Tayo said that he was telling him to go to the UK.
19:20 Permithias leading a jam session. He really loves his guitar!

19:00 Housmeates are done with their supper. Sipe has fallen asleep and Goitse is still eating - she's not feeling well. Is it a flu maybe?

18:30 Dinner is served, thanks to Sipe!
18:05 The boys talk about pick-up lines and Idris says that Google has some of the best pick-up lines! These clearly didn't work on Goitse.
17:55 JJ tells the housemates that he decided not to change who he is because he would have to be that same person outside of Biggie's house.
17:45 Tayo and M'am Bea speak about getting married. M'am Bea says that she wants a garden wedding and Tayo says that he wants to get married when he is 30 years old.
17:30 Everyone seems to be getting a massage today. Tayo is getting one from Ellah.
17:00 Trezagah is getting himself a proper massage from M'am Bea. Lucky boy!

16:50 Sipe is hard at work, seemingly cooking up a storm.
16:12 Sipe excuses herself from her team (Team A) to go get some cooking done. We wonder what the pretty lady has on the menu...
16:00 Teams have been hard at work on their Extravaganza performances. New songs filling the air.
15:10 Biggie says, "They hate you 'cause they ain't you", and Permithias is left feeling a little better from feeling like an outcast in the house.
15:00 Looks like Sheillah is still struggling with her scalp itching. Ellah applies baby powder to sooth the itchy scalp as her hair grows back.

14:49 Kacey Moore tells Biggie that having pizza yesterday reminded him of home as sometimes they do not cook supper but instead order in.
13:53 "The Malawian princess is in the diary room." She enjoys the training, she felt so tired this morning though.She thinks that Idris's punishment taught everyone a lesson. "Every house must have rules."
13:47 Frankie was happy to have the pizza last night after winning the wager.
13:41 Nhlanhla is in the diary room and he talks about how happy he was to win the wager and get his favourite reward: food.
13:30 Arthur, M'am Bea, Tayo, Mr.265 and Goitse all have their diary sessions. Biggie discusses the wager from last night and they are all happy about winning. Biggie asks everyone about Idris's punishment, and about their favourite fairytale.
12:51 Idris is in the diary room, he is feeling great and he now knows that he "went for the wrong girl," he also thanks Biggie for his punishment. Biggie tells him that his punishment is now over.
12:17 Teams are chosen randomly, JJ moves from his Head of House team to the other one so that there are ten in each side.
11:55 JJ reads out Biggie's Shadow dance/ Stomp Extravaganza task for saturday. A 30 minute minimum production incorporating everything they have learned. They will be divided into two groups, randomly with the help of Biggie's ninja.
11:43 Fly Tayo, Sheillah, Samantha and Idris sit joking in the kitchen

11:21 Samantha is asked about how she deals with guys who ask her out.
11:00 Idris is teased about his performance in last nights task presentation.
10:20 Samantha massages JJ's back and Permithias looks on.

09:38 Tayo showing Africa why they voted him sexiest housemate.

09:19 Trezagah continues his work out with some weight training.

09:05 Idris washes dishes while Sheillah chats to JJ.

08:37 Butterphly unpicks a clothing item, the trainer is called to the storeroom.

8:00 Day 25 in the house starts with a workout incorporating Yoga stretches from Botle Kayamba, Butterphly and Sipe sit it out. Samantah has difficulty with some of the stretches as her neck is stiff.
20:08 Butterphly is upset over not having her work recognised in the group work for the Extravaganza. Mr. 265 advises her to work on something else and to express herself within the group members. JJ does not seem to be hearing any of his team members and Butterphly is particularly upset with him.

19:50 A misunderstanding has disrupted the mood outside. Arthur said that Permithias would make it overseas with his music and this comment has created a stir as it has been interpreted in a wrong way. Tayo said that he was telling him to go to the UK.
19:20 Permithias leading a jam session. He really loves his guitar!

19:00 Housmeates are done with their supper. Sipe has fallen asleep and Goitse is still eating - she's not feeling well. Is it a flu maybe?

18:30 Dinner is served, thanks to Sipe!
18:05 The boys talk about pick-up lines and Idris says that Google has some of the best pick-up lines! These clearly didn't work on Goitse.
17:55 JJ tells the housemates that he decided not to change who he is because he would have to be that same person outside of Biggie's house.
17:45 Tayo and M'am Bea speak about getting married. M'am Bea says that she wants a garden wedding and Tayo says that he wants to get married when he is 30 years old.
17:30 Everyone seems to be getting a massage today. Tayo is getting one from Ellah.
17:00 Trezagah is getting himself a proper massage from M'am Bea. Lucky boy!

16:50 Sipe is hard at work, seemingly cooking up a storm.
16:12 Sipe excuses herself from her team (Team A) to go get some cooking done. We wonder what the pretty lady has on the menu...
16:00 Teams have been hard at work on their Extravaganza performances. New songs filling the air.
15:10 Biggie says, "They hate you 'cause they ain't you", and Permithias is left feeling a little better from feeling like an outcast in the house.
15:00 Looks like Sheillah is still struggling with her scalp itching. Ellah applies baby powder to sooth the itchy scalp as her hair grows back.

14:49 Kacey Moore tells Biggie that having pizza yesterday reminded him of home as sometimes they do not cook supper but instead order in.
13:53 "The Malawian princess is in the diary room." She enjoys the training, she felt so tired this morning though.She thinks that Idris's punishment taught everyone a lesson. "Every house must have rules."
13:47 Frankie was happy to have the pizza last night after winning the wager.
13:41 Nhlanhla is in the diary room and he talks about how happy he was to win the wager and get his favourite reward: food.
13:30 Arthur, M'am Bea, Tayo, Mr.265 and Goitse all have their diary sessions. Biggie discusses the wager from last night and they are all happy about winning. Biggie asks everyone about Idris's punishment, and about their favourite fairytale.
12:51 Idris is in the diary room, he is feeling great and he now knows that he "went for the wrong girl," he also thanks Biggie for his punishment. Biggie tells him that his punishment is now over.
12:17 Teams are chosen randomly, JJ moves from his Head of House team to the other one so that there are ten in each side.
11:55 JJ reads out Biggie's Shadow dance/ Stomp Extravaganza task for saturday. A 30 minute minimum production incorporating everything they have learned. They will be divided into two groups, randomly with the help of Biggie's ninja.
11:43 Fly Tayo, Sheillah, Samantha and Idris sit joking in the kitchen

11:21 Samantha is asked about how she deals with guys who ask her out.
11:00 Idris is teased about his performance in last nights task presentation.
10:20 Samantha massages JJ's back and Permithias looks on.

09:38 Tayo showing Africa why they voted him sexiest housemate.

09:19 Trezagah continues his work out with some weight training.

09:05 Idris washes dishes while Sheillah chats to JJ.

08:37 Butterphly unpicks a clothing item, the trainer is called to the storeroom.

8:00 Day 25 in the house starts with a workout incorporating Yoga stretches from Botle Kayamba, Butterphly and Sipe sit it out. Samantah has difficulty with some of the stretches as her neck is stiff.