Time to fret

The diary sessions were interrupted for a meeting in the living room, where JJ had to read a reminder from Big Brother about what was expected from them during their task presentation. Biggie’s note said he expected a crafted dance routine, which must form part of and be complimentary to the Stomp performance for tonight’s presentation.

The housemates were a bit concerned, but not enough to spur them into action immediately. Eventually they started drifting outside where Sipe and Goitse practised their drumming, if somewhat lethargically. Arthur took control, trying to guide the ladies through their drumming, but his enthusiasm did not rub off on the listless ladies.

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Once they got the beat going, the energy picked up, but most housemates decided that lounging around the garden was a better idea.  The diary sessions continued, where housemates had been discussing their new Head of House with Biggie.

There was dissension in the ranks, and most were not happy with his leadership. Permithias said there was a lot of growing tension between Head of House and the rest of the housemates. He thought JJ had good intentions, but it was coming across the wrong way. Tayo felt JJ’s poor choice of words were also leading to misunderstanding in the house and that he was being disrespectful towards other housemates as a result.

M'am Bea also said JJ was rubbing people the wrong way as a leader, and said she was going to try to talk to him, although Permithias had tried this with little success. The wine debacle, which had unsettled housemates’ feelings toward their Head of House, was also brought up in the diary room. Big Brother was concerned, asking if the contention in the house would affect their task.  

Housemates had previously expressed confusion over the task and they still did not seem confident, despite trying to reassure Biggie. Ellah pleaded with him to be kind to them, but he said he had already been generous before. Will the housemates be able to get their act together in time for tonight’s presentation and impress Biggie?