Tears For Ma’m Bea

Yesterday during Clint Brink’s visit yesterday, housemates were urged to open up to one another and reveal some of their secrets, little did some of them know that certain secrets can never be tampered with.

Just to remind you, during a one on one, Samantha shared with Ma’m Bea that she had put her up together with Laveda this week, in the same spirit, Ma’m Bea also revealed that she had nominated HoH Nhlanhla. According to Big Brother rules, no one is allowed to disclose their nominations as it’s punishable with a strike.

This afternoon, Biggie told housemates to gather in the lounge, after settling in, he played for them a footage from yesterday’s session with Clint and it showed Samantha and Ma’m Bea embroiled in a conversation revealing their nomination victims.

This called for punishment and Biggie quoted from the rule book thus issuing the two Hotshots with a strike each. Should they be issued with their second and third strikes, they’ll have to leave the house immediately.

After the news sinking in, unlike a visibly strong Samantha, Ma’m Bea became too emotional and shed tears trying to justify that it was not intentional and that she was just being herself and real to Samantha.

Housemates consoled her with encouraging words with Tayo asserting that she shouldn’t be scared because she still had two warnings to exhaust.

What did you make of Biggie’s punishment?