share and care

Sitting together in the lounge, the housemates were enjoying a very later lunch when Big Brother made an announcement about food management. He told housemates that the house is stocked with a basic supply of food, cleaning materials and toiletries which are sufficient for everyone in the house. The amount of food received had even been cross-checked with a dietician.

However, Big Brother had noticed a lack of management when it came to food in the house. Big Brother, thus, posed three questions to the housemates:

1.    Are housemates working together and sharing?
2.    Are housemates being wasteful?
3.    Are housemates over catering or overeating?

Biggie told the housemates he foresaw a problem in the week to come, seeing how they enjoyed eating, but would not even be receiving their luxury items due to their wager loss. He then surprised the housemates with a “one-time-only special deal.” They were instructed to pool their food and work out a menu for the rest of the week. If they stuck to the menu and learnt to share, Biggie would reward them with a portion of their wager. This means that the housemates stand the chance of winning back part of their luxury allowance.

The instant reaction was for the housemates to start chanting about salt, and before long arguments broke out concerning the issue of sharing and what constituted food. Housemates shouted and complained. Alusa could not contemplate only cooking once a day, while Sipe said they were being stingy and Ellah thought they were being wasteful.

A few housemates slipped to the bedroom to fetch the food they had stashed. Who would have thought the housemates were so opposed to sharing? It looks like the food is set to cause even more dissent amongst the housemates. Do you think they will be able to stick to a menu and win back part of their wager?