Extravaganza: Downtown vs Uptown!

As Biggie promised, a ninja came in the house to facilitate the division of teams for the Extravaganza performance for this week. The ninja came with the top hat which had all the housemates’ names. JJ proceeded to picking out names from the hat and one team was selected, yet again dividing the house into two. Soon after, a dice was rolled and the teams were each assigned a theme to work on for the Extravaganza performance.

JJ picked out the first ten names and these were to be members of his team. The head of house decided against joining what would be Team A and instead joined the members of the “left-over” team, which was to be Team B. JJ’s change did however change things around but did not create much confusion.

When it came to rolling the dice, Tayo represented Team A and Ellah represented Team B. The dice was rolled and the themes for each team were finally determined. Below are the themes and the housemates in each team: