Today's HOH Task Qualifiers

Today the HOH task to the few house mates might have thought it was going to be a simple one, but Biggie has his way of doing things

Biggie got the house mates into the arena and gave them clear instructions for the game which was a boys vs girls contest, each Housemate was fitted with plastic cups tied onto the wrists, knees and feet. They had to run to the end of the Arena and place the ball into buckets. From the side benches where they were seated, Housemates looked totally puzzled.

The house mates looked lie they had not understood and somewhat hesitant, Biggie then sent two Ninjas into the Arena to give a live demonstration of what he he wanted.

Leo and Miracle on the boys side while Ifu-Ennada and Ahneeka on the girl’s side were shortlisted to run for the last Head of House challenge. Tune in after the Nomination show tonight to find out who will be the winner.