The Wager Loss, #pictures from the play
Last night the housemates put up an interesting performance on sexual consent for their Thursday presentation supported by drumming and singing.
The story was about a girl "bimpe" who suffered different forms of sexual harassment first from her uncle, strangers, boyfriends at school to her own husband
After the play, HOH Tobi had to give closing remarks and also Biggie had to give his decision.
Closing Remarks:
"we hope you have learn't from our little presentation and drama,its not gonna be accepted in our society any more, ladies, men, young girls, young boys, nobody is gonna be harassed and face this kind of brutality that is damaging and embarrassing to the society, Thank You."
"This week you wager 50% of your money against your task, is this so?"
The housemates reply: "Yes Big Brother"
Big brother feels you are trying to play safe, again you have lost your wager.
See photos below from yesterday's presentation: