Roast for Roast: What I Don't Like About You #Pictures #BBNaija

Yesterday Big borther had all the housemates in the livingroom and asked them to say what they disliked about each other, its no wonder that this week you could notice that the hosuemates were in a kind of hate siutuation against each other, may be there could have emerged a fight as time went by. Like they say "dot keep the anger in you, let it out and be free"

This might have prompted Biggie to gather the housemates in the living room  so that they could sort out their differenecs, With HOH Tobi reading out the taks to the rest of the HOusemates, he told the housemates to seat down  separatly for the game to begin.

With the HOH going first, He opened the hostilities against Nina whom he called ‘generally annoying’, Khloe whom he described as ‘an ass and a troublemaker’ and said he didn’t trust Anto ‘who kissed two boys in one night’.

Leo led a fully frontal attack calling K.Brule a ‘party-pooper’, mocking Alex for her ‘short attention span’ while Dee-One warned Tobi that his ‘days were numbered’.

Khloe and Alex took the centre stage with their sharp tongues. ‘I thought I was annoying until I met you’ said Khloe to her partner K.Brule, and she fired at Bitto that he made her cry and had yet to pay for it.

Let us wait and see after this if the housemates will have learnt a lesson and try to change on their ways.

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