Day 29: This Week, Arts Meet Culture
In the past weeks housemates have been wagering o their own, this has not been satisfying biggie and last week he decided to wager for them 100% because its his house and his rules.
'Arts and Music' will be this week's theme, it is no secret that many of the Housemates are using Big Brother Naija as a platform to catapult their careers as we have always eyed them acting and performing all the time.
However the Housemates have been having problems working together, especially the ladies who always come to blows over the little things. Biggie states that in order to win this week's Wager all the Housemates need to work together and that everything they do will count towards the win. Let's hope that the likes of Cee-C, Ifu Ennada and Alex can put their differences for the greater good.
With all the Housemates being so artistically inclined, Biggie has much in store for them, although he is not giving much away right now, you can be sure that this week's Tasks and challenges are going to be superb!